Impluvium 2.0
Sistema de recogida de aguas en la Escuela de Educación Infantil (EEI) El Principito para su posterior reutilización y ayudar a mitigar los riesgos de
Ayuntamiento de Valladolid, España
Resiliencia Climática; Soluciones de adaptación al cambio climático; Innovación
Terminó en marzo 2019
El proyecto IMPLUVIUM diseña un sistema de recogida de lluvias en 4 edificios pertenecientes al Ayuntamiento de Valladolid, para su reutilización en un huerto escolar/urbano.
El proyecto se diseñó para 2 centros educativos (en zonas inundables de Valladolid y por tanto con mayor riesgo) y en 2 centros cívicos también ubicados en zonas de riesgo por inundaciones El fin del proyecto es fomentar la transición hacia una sociedad adaptada al cambio climático en la que el consumo de los recursos, en este caso hídricos, sea lo más eficiente y sostenible posible, especialmente en contextos propensos a grandes periodos de sequía como es el caso de la ciudad de Valladolid y con zonas de alto riesgo frente a las inundaciones.
Esta transición conlleva la generación de nuevos empleos y demandas de arquitectura bioclimática, adoptando la filosofía de la economía circular, que en nuestro proyecto se enfocará en centros escolares y cívicos. Además, el fin de la reutilización del agua de lluvia es el riego de huertos escolares o urbanos, como herramientas sociales que fomenten la agricultura urbana, alimentación sostenible, creen tejido social y sean una red de integración social a nivel local.
Desde el punto de vista económico y social, el proyecto enfatiza la importancia de un recurso clave como es el agua y la importancia de su utilización de forma racional. El enfoque, aunque innovador en realidad enfatiza que en la naturaleza a menudo los procesos son cíclicos (ciclo del agua, ciclo del carbono, ciclo del nitrógeno…), con lo cual conecta el concepto de economía circular con su base en una gestión racional de los recursos naturales.
El proyecto IMPLUVIUM diseña un sistema de recogida de lluvias en 4 edificios pertenecientes al Ayuntamiento de Valladolid, para su reutilización en un huerto escolar/urbano.
El proyecto se diseñó para 2 centros educativos (en zonas inundables de Valladolid y por tanto con mayor riesgo) y en 2 centros cívicos también ubicados en zonas de riesgo por inundaciones El fin del proyecto es fomentar la transición hacia una sociedad adaptada al cambio climático en la que el consumo de los recursos, en este caso hídricos, sea lo más eficiente y sostenible posible, especialmente en contextos propensos a grandes periodos de sequía como es el caso de la ciudad de Valladolid y con zonas de alto riesgo frente a las inundaciones.
Esta transición conlleva la generación de nuevos empleos y demandas de arquitectura bioclimática, adoptando la filosofía de la economía circular, que en nuestro proyecto se enfocará en centros escolares y cívicos. Además, el fin de la reutilización del agua de lluvia es el riego de huertos escolares o urbanos, como herramientas sociales que fomenten la agricultura urbana, alimentación sostenible, creen tejido social y sean una red de integración social a nivel local.
Desde el punto de vista económico y social, el proyecto enfatiza la importancia de un recurso clave como es el agua y la importancia de su utilización de forma racional. El enfoque, aunque innovador en realidad enfatiza que en la naturaleza a menudo los procesos son cíclicos (ciclo del agua, ciclo del carbono, ciclo del nitrógeno…), con lo cual conecta el concepto de economía circular con su base en una gestión racional de los recursos naturales.
Ayuntamiento de Valladolid, España
Resiliencia Climática; Soluciones de adaptación al cambio climático; Innovación
Terminó en marzo 2019
Sistema de recogida de aguas en la Escuela de Educación Infantil (EEI) El Principito para su posterior reutilización y ayudar a mitigar los riesgos de
Icatalist participa en Reinventing Cities, un concurso organizado por la red de ciudades C40 que impulsa la regeneración urbana resiliente con proyectos sin
Valladolid City Council, Spain
Climate Resilience; Climate Change Adaptation Solutions; Innovation
Finished March 2019
The IMPLUVIUM project designs a rainwater collection system in 4 buildings belonging to the Valladolid City Council, for reuse in a school/urban garden.
The project was designed for 2 educational centres (in flood-prone areas of Valladolid and therefore at higher risk) and in 2 civic centres also located in flood risk areas. The aim of the project is to promote the transition towards a society adapted to climate change in which the consumption of resources, in this case water, is as efficient and sustainable as possible, especially in contexts prone to long periods of drought as is the case of the city of Valladolid and with areas at high risk of flooding.
This transition entails the generation of new jobs and demands for bioclimatic architecture, adopting the philosophy of the circular economy, which in our project will focus on schools and civic centres. In addition, the purpose of rainwater reuse is the irrigation of school or urban gardens, as social tools that promote urban agriculture, sustainable food, create social fabric and are a network of social integration at the local level.
From an economic and social point of view, the project emphasises the importance of a key resource such as water and the importance of its rational use. The approach, although innovative, actually emphasises that in nature processes are often cyclical (water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle…), thus connecting the concept of circular economy with its basis in a rational management of natural resources.
The IMPLUVIUM project designs a rainwater collection system in 4 buildings belonging to the Valladolid City Council, for reuse in a school/urban garden.
The project was designed for 2 educational centres (in flood-prone areas of Valladolid and therefore at higher risk) and in 2 civic centres also located in flood risk areas. The aim of the project is to promote the transition towards a society adapted to climate change in which the consumption of resources, in this case water, is as efficient and sustainable as possible, especially in contexts prone to long periods of drought as is the case of the city of Valladolid and with areas at high risk of flooding.
This transition entails the generation of new jobs and demands for bioclimatic architecture, adopting the philosophy of the circular economy, which in our project will focus on schools and civic centres. In addition, the purpose of rainwater reuse is the irrigation of school or urban gardens, as social tools that promote urban agriculture, sustainable food, create social fabric and are a network of social integration at the local level.
From an economic and social point of view, the project emphasises the importance of a key resource such as water and the importance of its rational use. The approach, although innovative, actually emphasises that in nature processes are often cyclical (water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle…), thus connecting the concept of circular economy with its basis in a rational management of natural resources.
Valladolid City Council, Spain
Climate Resilience; Climate Change Adaptation Solutions; Innovation
Finished March 2019
Sistema de recogida de aguas en la Escuela de Educación Infantil (EEI) El Principito para su posterior reutilización y ayudar a mitigar los riesgos de
Icatalist participa en Reinventing Cities, un concurso organizado por la red de ciudades C40 que impulsa la regeneración urbana resiliente con proyectos sin
Valladolid City Council, Spain
Climate Resilience; Climate Change Adaptation Solutions; Innovation
Finished March 2019
The IMPLUVIUM project designs a rainwater collection system in 4 buildings belonging to the Valladolid City Council, for reuse in a school/urban garden.
The project was designed for 2 educational centres (in flood-prone areas of Valladolid and therefore at higher risk) and in 2 civic centres also located in flood risk areas. The aim of the project is to promote the transition towards a society adapted to climate change in which the consumption of resources, in this case water, is as efficient and sustainable as possible, especially in contexts prone to long periods of drought as is the case of the city of Valladolid and with areas at high risk of flooding.
This transition entails the generation of new jobs and demands for bioclimatic architecture, adopting the philosophy of the circular economy, which in our project will focus on schools and civic centres. In addition, the purpose of rainwater reuse is the irrigation of school or urban gardens, as social tools that promote urban agriculture, sustainable food, create social fabric and are a network of social integration at the local level.
From an economic and social point of view, the project emphasises the importance of a key resource such as water and the importance of its rational use. The approach, although innovative, actually emphasises that in nature processes are often cyclical (water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle…), thus connecting the concept of circular economy with its basis in a rational management of natural resources.
The IMPLUVIUM project designs a rainwater collection system in 4 buildings belonging to the Valladolid City Council, for reuse in a school/urban garden.
The project was designed for 2 educational centres (in flood-prone areas of Valladolid and therefore at higher risk) and in 2 civic centres also located in flood risk areas. The aim of the project is to promote the transition towards a society adapted to climate change in which the consumption of resources, in this case water, is as efficient and sustainable as possible, especially in contexts prone to long periods of drought as is the case of the city of Valladolid and with areas at high risk of flooding.
This transition entails the generation of new jobs and demands for bioclimatic architecture, adopting the philosophy of the circular economy, which in our project will focus on schools and civic centres. In addition, the purpose of rainwater reuse is the irrigation of school or urban gardens, as social tools that promote urban agriculture, sustainable food, create social fabric and are a network of social integration at the local level.
From an economic and social point of view, the project emphasises the importance of a key resource such as water and the importance of its rational use. The approach, although innovative, actually emphasises that in nature processes are often cyclical (water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle…), thus connecting the concept of circular economy with its basis in a rational management of natural resources.
Valladolid City Council, Spain
Climate Resilience; Climate Change Adaptation Solutions; Innovation
Finished March 2019
Sistema de recogida de aguas en la Escuela de Educación Infantil (EEI) El Principito para su posterior reutilización y ayudar a mitigar los riesgos de
Icatalist participa en Reinventing Cities, un concurso organizado por la red de ciudades C40 que impulsa la regeneración urbana resiliente con proyectos sin
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