Adaptive cities through nature-based solutions.

Project information

EIT Climate KIC

Work areas

Sustainable architecture

In collaboration with

UNIBO, Tu Delft, UPM, Politecnica di Milano, Resilience Brokers, University of Bologna, Jearni, Greater London Authority, Global Infrastructure Basel, City of Vejle, CEA, Stiching Deltares, Wageningen environmental Research.


Finished December 2021

The ACT on NBS project is designed to increase the uptake of Nature Based Measures (NBM) and establish a growing and sustainable innovation ecosystem.

The project brings together cities, researchers and experts to support the innovative scaling up of MBNs in cities, countries and internationally. Often, the real and multiple benefits that can be derived from increased uptake of NBS justify making the exploration of MbNs the focus of an EIT Climate-KIC programme.


ICATALIST, together with TUDelft, is in charge of connecting, accelerating and scaling up MbNs in innovation communities that include start-ups that match their innovations with the climate challenges faced by municipalities and with funding opportunities.

The ACT on NBS project is designed to increase the uptake of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and establish a growing and sustainable innovation ecosystem.

The project brings together cities, researchers and experts to support the innovative scaling up of BDS in cities, countries and internationally. Often, the real and multiple benefits that can be derived from increased uptake of NBS justify making the exploration of SbN the focus of an EIT Climate-KIC programme.


ICATALIST, together with TUDelft, was in charge of connecting, accelerating and scaling up SbNs in innovation communities that included start-ups combining their innovations with the climate challenges faced by municipalities and funding opportunities.

Project information

EIT Climate KIC

Work areas

Sustainable architecture

In collaboration with

UNIBO, Tu Delft, UPM, Politecnica di Milano, Resilience Brokers, University of Bologna, Jearni, Greater London Authority, Global Infrastructure Basel, City of Vejle, CEA, Stiching Deltares, Wageningen environmental Research.


Finished December 2021

Concrete measures

The project had 5 key activities intertwined and designed as networked learning experiments to jointly increase the uptake of SbNs, as well as a dedicated coordination activity to establish and grow a successful innovation ecosystem.

The coordination activity established a platform for knowledge sharing and facilitated small teams to actively manage the community and seek funding opportunities. In addition, an advisory board ensured project sustainability, impact scaling, strategic direction and political influence.

Capacity building and technical assistance to create the conditions for greater acceptance of MbNs within municipalities, including through cross-departmental understanding, procurement and communication with the public.

Review and evaluation of tools to support wider uptake of BNS with climatologies and specific workshops on the topic of Nature Based Solutions.

Connecting, accelerating and scaling up SbN in innovation communities.

Promote collective intelligence and co-creation for BDS through new channels of awareness raising and multi-stakeholder participation.

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